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City Trails: Paris Way

The Paris Way is an invitation to reimagine your traditional travel itinerary.

As the world eagerly anticipates the Paris Olympics, a new experience awaits you in Paris. Waytrails, renowned for weaving trail tales as you go, is proud to present their Paris Way.

Effortlessly Paris - Do we answer your following questions?

1. Ever wanted to enjoy Paris as effortlessly as a Parisian?WLA_metmuseum_Camille_Monet_on_a_Garden_Bench_by_Claude_Monet-670x498 

2. Would you love to exude the air of a 'flâneur' or 'flâneuse'? The art of strolling along, observing those around you, but never hastened. The flâneur is a connoisseur of their surroundings, implying subtle confidence. Mais oui!

3. Do you want to uncover the history of some of Paris's most intriguing or notable landmarks and statues without a tour guide? 

4. Would it be merveilleux to book your travel, know where to eat, drink and overnight for your stay in Paris in one manageable place?

Allow Paris Way to get you and your companions to the heart of Paris with your smartphone, from start to finish! You can surprise your friends and family with easily booked lunch spots and attractions, and charming side streets, expertly guiding them with your knowledge, all with confidence and flair!

Let's get you in the mood....👇


Quick tip for First Timers (another numbered list!)

1. Paris can be expensive. Like in any touristy city, avoid the touristy places to eat. Let us do that for you.

2. Other people! Paris is visited by millions Image credit Lars Plougmannof tourists each year. Yes, we do take you past some of the 'touristy' sites, but we also take you along quieter streets and cafes. 

3. Queues. During the summer season, popular attractions will have lengthy queues. Do some research for optimal times, book tickets online or secure a museum pass to bypass the majority of queues. Top tip: consider entering the Louvre through its underground entrance rather than the pyramid entrance.

Open All Season

The launch of the Paris Way has coincided with the Paris Olympics. However, if 20240312_160904you're among those choosing to avoid Paris during this time of heightened activity, fear not! Paris is a splendid destination in every season, as Ella Fitzgerald eloquently expressed in her timeless song "I Love Paris" - indeed, Paris is enchanting at any time of the year. Should you opt to postpone Paris, rest assured that it will await your footsteps, but why not kickstart your adventure by planning your trip, booking your travel and finding our stories within the app!

Reimagine Your Parisian Itinerary

The Paris Way isn't simply a trail. It lends a Parisian sojourn with a sense of discovery. From Phantoms in Operas, revolutionaries, emperors, executions, Hemingway cocktails, bohemians, trunk makers and tailors and the world's most romantic river, this is a city that we've navigated for your ease and peeled back its layers for you.

All you need to do is go!

Bon Voyage!