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How to Escape Outdoors this Christmas

It's that time of year, yes it is, yes it is, YES IT IS. 

We love Christmas at Waytrails but we also know that for some it can get crazy-busy, or both! 

So, we want to share a tip or two with you about how to stay moving and motivated while guests come and go and food is abundant. We're here to say 'get out and go for a walk/bike ride!', and if need be, take your guests with you. 

Hear the Waytrails founders Rory and Kim

  • Share what they do to balance the relatives-to-roaming ratio,
  • Making sure they don't break the scales come January;
  • How Christmas doesn't have to be manic;
  • The F word that isn't 'fruit';
  • What Gladiators ate and how to make that for Christmas;
  • Ensure they are at the correct level of tipsy to operate heavy machinery at all times.

Do you go on a Christmas day walk? Are you hoping for new kit under the tree? We are! Tell us your Christmas outdoor escapes or walks/cycle rides near you. 

A bit of fun to round off December, have a good one and remember...don't overdo it (all the time).


And for the cyclists out there who didn't get what you hoped for under the tree this year, you can still catch the Velo Store Christmas Cycling Essentials*.

Happy Christmas!


*Waytrails may earn a commission if you make a purchase through the Velo UK affiliate link, helping to support the development of our trails and resources.